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How to set up Standard URL parameters
How to set up Standard URL parameters

How to setup URL parameters for all of the ads you want to track with Cometly.

Updated over a week ago

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Important: ClickBank, BuyGoods, and Maxweb integrations have specific UTM setups. Please refer to the integration specific setup article for UTM setup instructions. View our Integrations in our help center here to find the help article for those integrations.

Correctly configuring your URL parameters is crucial for precise attribution in Cometly. Without proper setup, Cometly cannot track your events, meaning any ad lacking the correct URL parameters will not have its purchases tracked. By adhering to the following instructions, you can ensure your URL parameter setup is optimized for effective ad tracking with Cometly.

Setup URL Parameters on your Meta Ads

When you update your ad parameters your ads will go back into review for a very short period of time. Updating URL parameters is not considered a significant ad edit so learning will not get reset on yours ads. Please see the Meta resource article that outlines what are considered significant edits that will reset learning.

The following URL parameters are required on every Meta ad that you want to track with Cometly, you can also find the parameters in Setup under step 3 Setup URL parameters on your ads in Cometly.


Navigate to the Tracking section at the ad level and paste the Cometly Meta parameters into the URL Parameters box:

As mentioned in the setup video, though we recommend placing the Cometly Meta parameters in the Tracking section in the URL parameters box, however, you can place the parameters on the Website URL as an alternative.

  • If you have a link in your ad copy, you should not have parameters setup on the Website URL because any click on the URL in your ad copy will not have the parameters. You should only have parameters on your Website URL if you do not have a link in your ad copy.

Important: Ensure the parameters are in the URL parameters box or the Website URL, do not have the parameters in both places. It should only be in one place.

Appending To Existing URL Parameters On Your Ads

If you already have parameters inside the URL parameters box, you can simply append the Cometly parameters by using the '&' sign like in the example below:

If you already have parameters on your website URL, you can simply append the Cometly parameters by using the '&' sign like in the example below:

(Product Variant URL's) Appending Parameters To Variants In Your URL

Important: If there is another "?" in your Website URL (for example if you have a variant in your URL), that means you are already using UTMs, so you would need to switch the "?" to a "&" before adding it to the end of your Website URL.


If your Website URL is:

You need to add:


Your final Website URL should look like this:{{site_source_name}}&comet_ad_id={{}}&comet_placement={{placement}}

After you have completed adding the Cometly parameters to your ads, you can go ahead and publish your ads.

Setup URL Parameters on your Google Ads

Google Ads prioritizes tracking templates in a specific order: ad level, ad group level, and then campaign level. This means if you have a tracking template at the ad or ad group level, it can override your campaign level template, potentially causing tracking issues.

Before you begin, ensure you do not have any other tracking template set at the ad group or ad level in your Google Ads account for any of the campaigns that you want to track. View our help article to learn how to check the ad group or ad level for other tracking templates.

It’s required that you use the following tracking parameters for all of your Google campaigns. Please make sure that you use the correct campaign tracking template based on the campaign type.

Campaign Type: Search, Video, Display, Discovery

Cometly needs the following UTM parameter code attached to the end of every Website URL in the 'Tracking Template' section of each of your regular Google ad campaigns that are Search, Video, Display, or Discovery campaigns:


Campaign Type: Performance Max, Shopping

Cometly needs the following UTM parameter code attached to the end of every Website URL in the 'Tracking Template' section of each of your Performance Max or Shopping campaigns:


To set these up inside the Google Ads manager, navigate to Campaigns > Campaigns > Campaigns:

From there, you will select the relevant campaigns you are wanting to place UTM parameters on and then select 'Settings':

Pro Tip: Since there are different sets of UTM parameters based on the campaign type you are running in Google ads, we recommend filtering by campaign type so you can make sure you are placing the right UTM parameters on the right campaigns!

Next, you will once again select our campaigns, and then click on the 'Edit' option.

You will then select 'Change Tracking Templates'

Finally, you will paste in the Cometly UTM parameters & click 'Apply'

Setup URL Parameters on your TikTok Ads

Cometly needs the URL parameter code attached to the end of every Website URL in the "Destination page" section of each of your TikTok ads:


To set this up inside the TikTok Ads manager, navigate to the ad level and select an ad that you want to track with Cometly. There should be a section titled "Destination page" with a box for "Website URL".

Simply "copy" the above code (include the "?") and "paste" the code at the end of your Website URL in that section.

PLEASE NOTE: If there is another ? in your Website URL, that means you are already using UTMs, so you would need to switch the first "?" to a "&" before adding it to the end of your Website URL.

i.e. if your Website URL is

then instead of


you would want to add


So your Final website URL would be

Now you can go ahead and publish your ad. As long as you use this setup process on EVERY ad, your tracking and attribution with Cometly for TikTok ads will be PERFECT.

Please reach out to support with any questions about setting up the URL parameters on your TikTok Ads.

Setup URL Parameters on your LinkedIn Ads

At the Campaigns level in LinkedIn Ads Manager, navigate to URL tracking parameters and add (or append) the following URL parameters required to accurately track LinkedIn ads with Cometly. Ensure that you save changes after adding the parameters.

Cometly LinkedIn Parameters:


If you already have parameters in place, you can append Cometly parameters. Please see the example below for appending parameters:

Let's assume you have the following parameter currently in place:


You can append the Cometly parameters:


Pinterest Ads

Please add the following URL parameters to the end of the "Destination URL" on your Pinterest Ads:


Snapchat Ads

Please place the following URL parameters on your Snapchat Ads:


X Ads

Please place the following URL parameters on your X Ads:


Reddit Ads

Please place the following URL parameters on your Reddit Ads:


Microsoft Bing Ads

Campaign Type: Search, Video, Display, Discovery


Campaign Type: Performance Max, Shopping



Please append the following URL parameter to links in your email.



Please append the following URL parameter to links in your SMS.


Custom Source

To track custom sources in your reports, simply add the name of the source to the comet_source parameter in your URL. Then, use the URL Parameter filtering option in the report builder to filter by this custom source and view data specifically related to it.

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