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Fareharbor Integration

Learn how to track events from your Fareharbor booking flow back to the correct ad or source in Cometly.

Updated over a month ago

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Our Fareharbor integration requires you to reach out to Fareharbor support to have their team place code on the thank you page after a successful booking. In this article we will show you the exact code to send to the Fareharbor team.

After the Fareharbor team has the code installed, you can send a server purchase event (or any custom event) from Zapier,, or any other API service that will enrich the profile information in Cometly and include an amount for the event value.

Important Setup Requirements:

To use this integration, please ensure the following are in place:

  1. The Cometly Pixel is installed on your website.

  2. The Fareharbor booking form is embedded on your website.

If the Fareharbor booking form is not embedded on your website, this integration will not work. You cannot use a Fareharbor hosted URL, it must be embedded on your website.

Step 1: Send unique code to the Fareharbor team

The goal of this step is to gather the specific code that the Farehabor team will install on the booking confirmation page of the booking funnel. You will include the unique Cometly base code pixel for the space you want to track as well as an additional unique script.

Important: Each Cometly space has a unique pixel. If you have multiple spaces that you want to set up Fareharbor tracking for, please make sure you indicate to the Fareharbor team the correct Cometly base pixel code that correlates to the funnel you want to track.

Navigate to Space Setup > Install & Verify Cometly Pixel in your Cometly space and copy the Cometly Pixel.

Paste the Cometly Pixel in any document or editor and add the code below underneath the Cometly Pixel:

Information πŸ’‘: The code below will automatically fire a Schedule browser event. The code below is required, however, you can replace the schedule event.

comet('schedule', {tracking_id:});

The code you will send to the Fareharbor support team should look like the example code below:

*Below is example code and is not the correct Cometly base pixel code. Do not send the code below to the Fareharbor team. For example purposes only.

<script src="{{EXAMPLECODE}}-0cf0fe-s"></script>

comet('schedule', {tracking_id:});

When sending to the Fareharbor team, ensure that you indicate which booking funnel the code is associated to. It may take 1-2 business days for the Fareharbor team to install the code.

Step 2: Format the Fareharbor Booking Display ID

In this step you must add an action to your Zap to format the Fareharbor Booking Display ID to remove the # sign in front of the Booking Display ID number.

For example, by default the Booking Display ID will show as:


You need to create a formatting action in your Zap to remove the # sign in front of the number so it looks like this:

For (1) in the image below, click the plus sign to create a new action under the trigger and choose Formatter By Zapier.

For the event in (2) choose Text.

It will give you an option to 'Transform', click the dropdown, search for 'Extract Number', and choose Extract Number. Click Continue.

After you click Continue, you will see an area for Input. On the dropdown, choose the Booking Display ID from the Fareharbor event.

You will receive an output with the Booking Tracking ID reformatted with the # not in front of the number, this is the desired result so you can add that output in the next step.

Step 3: Send server event with the booking amount and booking ID

In this step you will create a Zap inside Zapier to send a server purchase event or server custom event that will include the booking amount (revenue).

Login to your Zapier account and create a new Zap.

Choose Fareharbor as the Trigger.

For the Trigger event, please choose New Booking.

On the next step of the Zap it will ask you to sign in to your Fareharbor account, sign in, and run a test to capture recent Fareharbor data in Zapier.

For the zap Action, choose Cometly.

For the Event section in the image below, choose Send Event.

On the next Zap setup step you will need to authenticate your Cometly account to Zapier.

Important: Each Cometly space has a unique Zapier token. If you are setting up Zaps for multiple Cometly spaces, you will need to ensure that you authenticate each Cometly space Zapier connection. You can rename the Cometly connection in Zapier to stay organized.

Navigate to Space Settings > Integrations in your Cometly space, select Zapier, and click Activate Zapier.

Then click Generate New API Token.

Authenticate Zapier using the Cometly Zapier API Key you just created.

Select Event and choose the Purchase event.

  • You can choose between sending a Purchase standard event or any custom event. You cannot use any other type of standard event because Purchase is the only standard event that can include a value. All custom events can include a value. If you wish to setup a custom event instead, you can select the custom event after you set it up. Learn more about setting up custom events.

Include the following contact fields from your Fareharbor test booking in the Trigger step of the Zap:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Amount

In the Tracking ID field, you must include the Fareharbor Booking Display ID that you reformatted in Step 2. Choose the formatted Booking Display ID from the formatter action so there is not a # in front of the number.

Additional Information

The event will not track unless the Fareharbor booking ID is included in the Tracking ID field in the Zap. Earlier in the setup, you have sent a unique custom code:

comet('schedule', {tracking_id:});

The is the Fareharbor booking ID that Cometly will use to match back to the journey of the contact from the event booking.

Zap Setup Review

For review, the following fields for the server event you are sending to Cometly include:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Amount

  • Tracking ID

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