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How to Setup Custom Events

Learn how to setup custom events.

Updated over a week ago

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Custom Events allow you to track unique actions that matter most to your business. Whether it's tracking when someone visits a special page, adds a new deal to your pipeline, or when a lead gets that all-important qualified status, Custom Events have got you covered.

How do Custom Events work?

Every Cometly space comes equipped with the option to configure up to 25 custom events through the Events Manager. Easily configure a custom event by naming your custom event.

In the example below, let's assume you have created a custom event called Deal Created. The following metrics will be available in the reporting throughout your Cometly space:


  • Deal Created

  • Cost per Deal Created

  • Deal Created Value

Sending Custom Events to the ad platforms

You can send custom events to the ad platforms as the custom event name or you can map custom events to standard events within Cometly, and send to the ad platforms as a 'Standard event'.

Step 1: Configure your custom event

Navigate to the Events Manager in your Cometly space and click into your first custom event:

Name your custom event and click Save

You have the following options when configuring a custom event:

  • (optional) Include the custom event value in the “Gross Revenue” metric.

  • (optional) Map the custom event to one of our standard events to send this data back to the ad platform as a ‘Standard event.’

By default, Cometly will send your custom event back to the ad platform as a custom event.

When an event is configured, you will be able to start sending server or browser events (as outlined in the next step) to start tracking the custom event. You will see the 'configured' text next to the event name when properly configured:

Step 2: Setup tracking for custom events

You can setup tracking for custom events the same way you would setup tracking for standard events. You can use server or browser events to send custom events to Cometly. Whether you are sending server events or using browser events, you will always want to use the static value of the custom event, for example:

  • custom_event_1

  • custom_event_2

  • custom_event_3

  • etc.

You can configure up to 25 custom events for each space in your Cometly account.

Server Events

Send events server-side from a payment platform, CRM, or any other back-end system. The event_name for server event should be the name of the custom event.

For example, if you have configured Deal Created as your dynamic custom event name, you will send the server event using the Cometly API or Zapier as: custom_event_1

Browser Events

Send events into Cometly by placing browser snippet codes directly on a web page. Each of the 25 custom events has a unique browser event code.

Click Copy Code

Once you've configured your custom events, Cometly makes it simple to monitor their performance. These events can be viewed within the Cometly Ads Manager columns or on your dashboard, providing a clear and accessible overview of each event's metrics, including the count of events, cost per custom event, and the custom event value.

This level of detail enables you to make informed decisions about your marketing and sales strategies, ensuring you're focusing your efforts where they're most effective.

Step 3: Analyzing custom event data

Analyzing custom event data is no different than analyzing standard event data. You'll find the custom event data easily accessible and located in all reporting areas of your Cometly account.

Reset a custom event

If you want to reset and clear all data on a custom event, click into the custom event you want to reset and then click 'Reset'

WARNING: Resetting a custom event will delete all of its data. This can not be recovered.

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