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Cometly Pixel Helper (Plugin)

Learn how to use the Cometly Pixel Helper, a google chrome plugin.

Updated over a year ago

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The Cometly Pixel Helper is a Chrome Browser extension that will help you ensure that you have correctly installed Cometly on your website.

The plugin will assist you with 2 things:

  1. Check for errors in your base code pixel installation.

  2. Identify the Cometly events loading on your page and verify the Cometly base code is automatically capturing data on your opt in forms.

Testing the Cometly Base Pixel code

  1. Navigate to your web page and check that Cometly's base code is firing correctly on that page by looking inside the Cometly Pixel Helper.

    1. You should see an 'Init' (short for "Initiation") event fire on each page you visit that contains the Cometly base code.

  2. If you have an opt-in form on your page, ensure the Cometly Pixel Helper is capturing the info collected as you fill out the form.

    1. Cometly will only capture fields on your form that are related to: Name, Email and Phone

  3. If everything fires correctly inside the Cometly Pixel Helper, then you have successfully tested your base code and everything is working correctly.

  4. Inside the Cometly Pixel Helper click 'End Session'

Testing Cometly Browser Events

  1. Open the Cometly Pixel Helper and start a 'Session' by clicking 'Start' and then re-loading the page

  2. Navigate to the web page where you placed the Cometly browser event code

  3. Open the Cometly Pixel Helper - you should see the event name listed under 'Events'

    1. Pro Tip: Make sure there is a base code 'Init' event firing before the event code fires (The 'Init' event must fire before the event code)

  4. If everything fires correctly inside the Cometly Pixel Helper, then you have successfully tested your event code and everything is working correctly.

  5. Inside the Cometly Pixel Helper click 'End Session'

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