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Cometly Metrics Glossary
Cometly Metrics Glossary

Learn about all of the metrics available in Cometly reporting.

Updated over 3 months ago

This glossary provides an overview of all metrics available in Cometly. It also explains how to create events and the associated metrics with creating an event.

General Metrics

  • Off/On: Indicates the status of campaigns, ad sets/groups, or individual ads.

  • Name: The name of campaigns, ad groups/sets, or ads.

  • Delivery: Status indicating whether the campaign, ad group/set, or ad is active or inactive.

  • Facebook ID: Unique identifier for Meta campaigns, ad sets, or ads.

  • Google ID: Unique identifier for Google campaigns, ad groups, or ads.

  • TikTok ID: Unique identifier for TikTok campaigns, ad groups, or ads.

  • LinkedIn ID: Unique identifier for LinkedIn campaign groups, campaigns, or creatives.

Ad & Performance Metrics

  • Amount Spent: Total ad spend.

  • Impressions: Number of times an ad is displayed.

  • CPM: Cost per 1,000 impressions.

  • Clicks (All): Total clicks.

  • Meta Link Clicks: Link clicks from Meta ads.

  • CPC (Cost per Click): Average cost for each click.

  • CPC (Meta Cost per Link Click): Cost for each link click on Meta.

  • CTR (All): Click-through rate for all ads.

  • CTR (Meta CTR Link): Click-through rate for Meta link clicks.

  • Ad Links: URLs where your ads direct traffic.

  • URL Params: URL parameters assigned to campaigns, ad groups, or ads.

  • Tracking Status: Indicates whether Cometly tracking is functioning correctly ("Ok") or has errors (e.g., missing or incorrect URL parameters).

  • Budget: Allocated budget for ad campaigns.

  • Ad Schedule: Schedule for ad delivery.

  • Ends: Campaign end date.

  • Average Order Value: Average revenue per order.

  • Reported Revenue: Revenue reported by Meta ad platforms.

  • Reported Purchases: Purchases reported by Meta ad platforms.

  • Real Revenue VS Reported: Difference between Cometly Gross Revenue and Meta reported revenue.

  • Spread: Cost per purchase minus average order value.

  • CVR (All Clicks): Conversion rate for all clicks.

  • CVR (Meta Link Clicks): Conversion rate for Meta link clicks.

  • Interactions: Total interactions on Google Ads.

  • Interaction Rate: Percentage of interactions on Google Ads.

  • Video Views: Number of video views on Google YouTube ads.

  • Video View Rate: Percentage of Google Ads YouTube video views compared to impressions.

  • Gross Revenue: Total revenue generated. This metric automatically includes the value of all purchases, combining base sales and upsells to provide a comprehensive measure of revenue.

  • ROI: Return on investment.

  • ROAS: Return on ad spend.

  • Net Profit: Revenue minus costs.

  • LinkedIn Reported Leads: The number of leads reported in LinkedIn Ads Manager.

  • LinkedIn Total Conversion Value: Total value of conversions from LinkedIn campaigns.

  • LinkedIn Form Opens: Number of times LinkedIn forms were opened.

  • LinkedIn Form Open Completion Rate: Percentage of form opens completed.

Upsell Metrics

Below are the legacy Upsell metrics used for affiliate network integrations. We now recommend creating an event for Upsells.

  • Upsell Revenue: Revenue generated from upsells, included in Gross Revenue.

  • Cost per Upsell Purchase: Advertising cost per upsell purchase.

  • Upsell Purchase Value: Total value of upsell purchases.

  • Upsell Purchase ROAS: Return on ad spend for upsell purchases.

Pre-Configured Event Metrics

  • Add Payment Info: Number of add payment info actions.

  • Add to Cart: Number of add to cart actions.

  • Complete Registration: Number of completed registrations.

  • Contact: Number of contacts generated.

  • Start Trial: Number of trial starts.

  • Initiate Checkout: Number of checkout initiations.

  • Sign Up: Number of sign-ups.

  • Lead: Number of leads generated.

  • Purchase: Number of purchases, including upsells.

  • Schedule: Number of scheduled actions.

  • Submit Application: Number of submitted applications.

  • Subscribe: Number of subscriptions.

  • View Content: Number of content views.

  • Webinar Registration: Number of webinar registrations.

Creating Events

When an event is created in Cometly, the following metrics are automatically generated:

  1. Custom Event: Indicates the number of occurrences of the custom event.

  2. Custom Event Value: Reflects the total value associated with the custom event.

  3. Cost per Custom Event: Shows the average cost to generate the custom event.

  4. Custom Event ROAS: Displays the return on ad spend for the custom event.

Example: If you create a custom event called "Deal Created," the following metrics will appear in your Cometly reporting:

  • Deal Created

  • Cost per Deal Created

  • Deal Created Value

  • Deal Created ROAS

Value and ROAS Metrics

For each conversion metric above, the following additional metrics are available:

  1. Value: Total value of the specific conversion.

  2. ROAS: Return on ad spend for the specific conversion.

  3. Cost per Action: Cost for generating each specific conversion.


  • Add Payment Info Value

  • Add Payment Info ROAS

  • Cost per Add Payment Info

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