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Creating Grouped Reports in Cometly
Creating Grouped Reports in Cometly

Learn how you can effectively group data in the custom report builder to analyze different events and metrics in Cometly.

Updated over a week ago

In this video, we demonstrate various ways to group data in the custom report builder, showcasing reports grouped by source, time, country, and more. Learn how to create sample reports to illustrate how different events like Leads, Purchases or any other event can be visualized based on various groupings.

Key Steps

  1. Navigate to Report Builder: Go to the Report Builder in Cometly.

  2. Select Event and Date Range: Choose the event type (e.g., leads, purchases) and select the date range (e.g., last month, last seven days).

  3. Choose Metric: Select the metric you want to analyze (e.g., leads).

  4. Group By Option:

    • Initially, the report will show data over time on the x-axis.

    • To group by a specific category, click on the "Group By" option and select the category (e.g., sources, country).

  5. View Data:

    • For a visual representation, choose between a bar chart, line chart or table format.

    • Explore different Group By options like ad names, ad set names, regions, URLs, URL parameters and more.

  6. Add Second Group By:

    • To create a more detailed report, add a second Group By option (e.g., time).

    • This will allow you to analyze data based on two categories (e.g., country and time).

  7. Customize Report:

    • Use options like "Stacked" on the bar chart to enhance the visual representation of the data.

  8. Experiment and Combine:

    • Experiment with different Group By options and combinations to find the most insightful way to analyze the data.

  9. Apply Filters:

    • Utilize the Filter feature to narrow down the data further and get more granular insights.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure you select the correct event type and date range to analyze the relevant data.

  • Double-check the Group By options to accurately group the data for analysis.

  • Be cautious while adding multiple Group By options to avoid cluttering the report.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Start with a simple report and gradually add more Group By options for deeper insights.

  • Experiment with different visual formats (bar chart, table) to find the most suitable representation.

  • Regularly update and adjust the report parameters based on changing data needs.

  • If a specific Group By option is missing, reach out for assistance to have it added to the tool.

By following these steps, you will be able to effectively group data in the custom report builder in Cometly for detailed analysis and insights.

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