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Zoho Forms Form Tracking

Learn how to setup form tracking for Zoho Forms.

Updated over 3 months ago

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The Zoho Forms integration will help you automatically send form entries from your Zoho Forms directly to Cometly as an event. Please follow the steps below step-by-step and ensure you have watched each setup video to ensure the integration was properly setup.

Important: The Cometly Pixel Helper or Form Tracking Testing will not work on your embedded Zoho form. At end of setup article, we will show you how to test your server event to ensure Cometly received data.

Step 1: Add Cometly base code pixel before </head> tag

Install the Cometly base pixel before the </head> tag on every page of your funnel or website.

Step 2: Add custom code before </body> tag on the page where Zoho form is embedded

On the web page where your Zoho form is embedded, please add the following code before the </body> tag. This code will ensure the hidden fields on your form in the following steps will be automatically passed into Zoho.

function waitForCometlyAndExecute(callback, maxAttempts = 10, interval = 500, delay = 2000) {
setTimeout(() => {
let attempts = 0;

const checkAndExecute = () => {
if (typeof cometFingerprint === "function" && typeof cometToken === "function") {
} else if (attempts < maxAttempts) {
setTimeout(checkAndExecute, interval);
} else {
console.error("Cometly functions not available after multiple attempts.");

}, delay);

waitForCometlyAndExecute(() => {
cometFingerprint().then(function(fingerprint) {
var cometTokenValue = cometToken();

var iframe = document.querySelector("iframe[src*='']");
if (iframe) {
var originalSrc = iframe.getAttribute('src');
var delimiter = originalSrc.includes('?') ? '&' : '?';
var newSrc = `${originalSrc}${delimiter}fingerprint=${encodeURIComponent(fingerprint)}&comet_token=${encodeURIComponent(cometTokenValue)}`;

iframe.setAttribute('src', newSrc);
} else {
console.error("Iframe not found.");
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error("Error obtaining Cometly fingerprint:", error);

Step 3: Add hidden form fields to your Zoho form

For Cometly to accurately track the Zoho form submission back to the correct source, create two hidden fields on your form.

Add two Multi Line fields to your Zoho form:

Hover over the first Multi Line field and click Properties

Edit the first Multi Line field label and rename it: fingerprint

  • Select Hide Field Label

  • Select Hide Field under Visibility section

  • Click Save

Edit the second Multi Line field label and rename it: comet_token

  • Select Hide Field Label

  • Select Hide Field under Visibility section

  • Click Save

Step 4: Setup Zoho Form to automatically prefill hidden field values

The script in Step 2 appends the fingerprint and comet_token to the iframe URL. Configure your Zoho Form settings so Zoho will automatically prefill the hidden fields on your form with the values for the fingerprint and comet_token.

  • Edit your form and click Settings

  • Under General on the left panel, click Field Alias - Prefill URL

  • Click Configure Now

Configure form to prefill the fingerprint and comet_token automatically

  • For the Field Label selection, choose fingerprint and in the Field Alias box type fingerprint.

  • Click the + sign.

  • On the second Field Label selection, choose comet_token and in the Field Alias box type comet_token.

  • Click Save

Step 5: Test your form to ensure fingerprint and comet_token included on your entries

Watch the video below to learn how to test your form to ensure the fingerprint and comet_token are included on your entries. You need to ensure your form has both prior to continuing to the next setup step.

Step 6: Send event data from Zoho Forms or Zoho CRM

There are two methods for sending event data from Zoho to Cometly. Please see sections of our Zoho Integration article below depending how you would like to send events to Cometly.

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