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Calendly Integration

Discover how to seamlessly send scheduled events from Calendly to Cometly.

Updated over a month ago

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The Calendly integration works whether Calendly is embedded on your website or hosted on a Calendly URL. However, there are a few key requirements to ensure proper tracking in Cometly.

Calendly Hosted Pages

If your Calendly link directs to a Calendly-hosted page, you cannot send traffic directly to it while maintaining accurate tracking. Instead, link to the Calendly page through a button or link on your website where the Cometly Pixel is installed. This ensures that the Cometly Pixel captures the user’s journey before they schedule a meeting.

Thank You Page Requirements

Calendly does not allow pixel placement on their hosted pages. To complete the tracking flow, you must redirect users to a thank you page after they schedule a meeting.

  • The Cometly Pixel must be installed on this thank you page.

  • Key event details like email, first name, last name, and phone number will be passed to this page as URL parameters.

Passing Event Details

The integration works by redirecting users to a thank you page, where the Cometly Pixel automatically captures event details from the URL parameters. This article explains how to configure Calendly to pass event details to the thank you page.

Step 1: Install Cometly Pixel

Install the Cometly Pixel on every page of your website the <head> tags. Ensure the Cometly Pixel is installed on the thank you page.

Step 2: Create Event

In your Cometly account, navigate to the Events Manager page and click Create Event.

Follow the steps below to create your event for Calendly:

  1. Select Calendly as the App/Integration

  2. Choose your event name

    1. We recommend choosing Schedule.

  3. Click Create

Step 3: Configure Event & Calendly Integration

Click Configure to begin setting up the Calendly integration

You can automatically send Schedule events from Calendly to Cometly using a shared account and trigger. Follow the steps below to set up the integration.

  1. Select Calendly as the App

    • The app field will be pre-selected as Calendly since this integration is specifically for tracking scheduled events.

  2. Choose an Account

    • Click on the Select an account dropdown.

    • Select the Calendly account you want to connect.

    • If this is your first time connecting Calendly, you may need to authorize access.

  3. Select a Trigger
    You need to choose when an event should be sent to Cometly. The available trigger options are:

    • Invitee Created – Triggers when an invitee schedules an event. (Recommended for tracking new bookings.)

    • Invitee Canceled – Triggers when an invitee cancels an event.

    • Invitee No Show Created – Triggers when an invitee is marked as a no-show.

  4. Confirm Your Selection

    • Once you select the Account and Trigger, these choices cannot be changed.

    • Double-check your selections before proceeding.

Retrieving Data from Calendly

Once you've selected your Calendly account and trigger, the system will automatically pull in the latest record from your Calendly account.

How to Retrieve Data for a Specific Event Type

If you need to set up the integration for a specific event type, follow these steps:

  1. Manually Schedule a Test Event

    • Go to your Calendly account and book a test meeting for the event type you want to track.

  2. Click "Check for Data"

    • This will fetch the most recent event records from Calendly.

    • If no data appears, ensure a new event has been created in Calendly and try again.

  3. Select Your Event Record

    • Once data appears, choose the record corresponding to your test event.

    • Click "Continue With Selected Record" to proceed.

Step 4: Configure Mapping

Easily map your app’s data fields to Cometly fields for precise tracking. This step ensures that the event data you send, such as email addresses, event times, or other custom data, aligns with Cometly’s reporting system.

Mapping Fields

  1. Select the Cometly field you want to map (e.g., Email or Event Time).

  2. Choose the corresponding field from your app’s data (e.g.,

  3. Repeat this process to map additional fields as needed. You can add as many fields as necessary to fully capture your event data.

Important Notes

  • Email and Event Time are required fields.

  • If you don’t have the event time available, select the dynamic option for Event Time. This will automatically use the time the event is received.

Adding More Fields

If your event includes additional data points (e.g., user IDs, product names, or custom metrics), simply click Add Field and repeat the mapping process.

Once all fields are mapped and formatted, click Continue to finalize your setup and start tracking seamlessly with Cometly.

Using Formatting Options

Cometly's formatting options help ensure your data is consistent and accurate for reporting. Here's how you can use these tools for date and amount fields:

  • Date Fields

    • Customize Date Format: Match your system’s style (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY, YYYY-MM-DD).

    • Timezone Conversion: Automatically convert timestamps to a specific timezone for standardized reporting.

  • Amount Fields

    • Adjust Decimals: Increase or decrease the number of decimal places.

    • Perform Calculations: Add, subtract, multiply, or divide by:

      • A fixed value you specify.

      • A dynamic value from your payload (e.g., a tax or fee).

    • Currency Conversion: Convert amounts from one currency to another using your selected conversion settings.

Step 5: Configure Filters (Optional) & Activate Event

Setting up filters is optional but can help you refine your data by only processing relevant events. The most common use case is filtering by event type, ensuring that only specific types of Calendly events are sent to Cometly.

To add filters:

  1. Choose your desired filtering options.

  2. If the data meets your filter criteria, you'll see a green confirmation box.

  3. If the data doesn't pass the filters, you'll be notified that it would not proceed.

Step 6: (REQUIRED) Additional Step For Calendly

Your Calendly integration will not work unless you complete the following setup steps. Follow these steps to ensure events are tracked properly.

Inside Calendly, select the event type you want to track.

  • Find the event you want to update, click the gear icon (⚙️), and select "Edit."

  • Scroll down in the event settings and click "More options" at the bottom-right corner.

Configure the Confirmation Page

  • In the event settings, scroll down and find "Confirmation Page" in the right-hand panel.

  • Under "After booking", change the option from "Display confirmation page" to "Redirect to an external site."

  • Enter your thank you page URL.

  • Click “Save changes”.

Important: The confirmation page must redirect to an external site where the Cometly Pixel is installed. The Cometly Pixel will capture key event details like email, first name, last name, and phone number, which are passed as URL parameters.

Click Save Changes

With this setup, an event will automatically be sent to Cometly for your selected Calendly trigger.

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